Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Optum Health - New Website

Through Twitter I've found a wonderful new site with loads of medical information and helpful advice. Check it out:

For updates you may also follow Kevin Abramson at:

Those of us with multiple ailments are always searching for new information on how to live better, to live more successfully, with debilitating diseases and conditions.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Wonder why I haven't been around to update my blog? Well, I got my driving privileges back on the 11th! I'm still sore from all the roaming around I did on the 12th...

My soft collar brace is now an on-again-off-again deal. Easy. When my neck is tired and sore from holding my head up I put the brace on. Having worn the full brace all winter, my neck muscles are a bit weak. Never thought it would be so hard just to hold my own head up. Reminds me of the little kid in Jerry McGuire who was always mouthing off about how much the human head weighs.

My frostbitten thumb is turning green again, as are all the plant starts we have in our indoor mini-greenhouse. Our garden will be about 4 times larger this year if dear husband is able to till up that much. He's an old fart, he tells me. Probably to postpone getting the tiller out.

Won't be long before I'll need to start mowing the yard. David, our next door neighbor to the east, is usually the first to pull his mower out of the garage - letting me know it's time! Each of the five houses on this street has at least 2.3 acres. We have almost 4 acres to mow, plant, seed, weed.

Mowing last summer and fall was extremely hard on me. The vibration from our John Deere rider made me ache all over, but it was especially hard on my hands and forearms. Surgery should have corrected that. Sounds like a post for next week... If David can wait that long to start mowing season.

I really don't want to have to mow until after it snows at least one more time. It always seems to snow in April in Ohio.